Feel empowered

in your health

with holistic health coaching.

Holistic health is...

an approach to wellness that considers the person as a whole. Recognizing that the physical body, mind, emotions, & energetic body are interconnected. By focusing on the impact of lifestyle and environmental factors on our health, we can achieve vitality.

Health coaching provides...

individualized support & practical guidance. Through a deeply collaborative process we: uncover personal motivations, clarify goals, create an action plan, and develop a personalized toolbox for life stressors. Building meaningful habits around what you regularly consume and surround yourself with; food, people, daily routines, etc. can lead to long-term health and wellness.


Your well-being starts with your environment. This includes what you put in your body, on your body, and the surroundings you keep.


Our bodies were meant to move. Finding regular activities to engage in is key.


Your thoughts contribute to your well-being. Our ability to slow down, reflect, and process our world is necessary.


Awareness of our body's cues to rest is crucial. Then, we are able to cultivate the unique tools to help us regain our baseline.

Meet Jackie: your Holistic Health Coach

I have always had a deep curiosity for understanding the "how" and "why" of things. This curiosity has led me to cultivate my knowledge of the body, forever expanding on ways to optimize how we function. I received my bachelor's degree in exercise science, several nutrition certifications, as well as my integrative nutrition health coaching certification. Through holistic health practices as well as my personal experience with an autoimmune condition, I am able to offer a unique perspective and greater support.

I seek to educate you toward a deeper understanding of your body. I believe the body is always doing its best to survive. Any dysfunction is a signal for us to do something differently. By recognizing how our internal and external environments can be affected and contribute to dis-ease, we can learn the unique tools necessary to support our body and thrive.

Core Wellness Program


Personalized care plan

  • Based on comprehensive intake and first session discussion
  • Comprehensive testing option for most accurate care (client discounts available)

Wellness check-ins

  • 3x per month for up to 60 min.
  • Session notes and action steps sent to your email

Direct message support

  • Access to send text messages to me directly with any questions between wellness check-in calls
  • Guaranteed answer by end of work week (Friday of each week)

Get reimbursed up to 40% on your program using your FSA/HSA

Find out if you qualify in less than 2 minutes here!


" I have worked with Jackie since 2018 and have honestly never had a better coach. Jackie is a knowledgable, motivating, and innovative health professional who cares deeply about her clients. Her always positive attitude, great sense of humor, and empathetic approach make each session a genuine please. What really sets Jackie apart from other coaches I've worked with is her understanding that there's more going on in her clients ' lives. Her holistic approach to wellness has informed all of my work with her and has mae me a more fit and less-stressed athlete."

-Peter S.

"Jackie is a breath of fresh air. She has a very calming, positive, and helpful nature about her. She is able to engage people effortlessly and genuinely cares about her clients, still checking in after we completed the program. If you are like me you may think you can figure this stuff out on your own but working with her opened my eyes to how much I really didn't know. We gained a new perspective on how to care for our health and continue to implement many of the tools from our program today. It really is very beneficial to have someone like her."

-Jessie C.

"In a world of uncertainty, it is nice to have someone you can truly rely on without judegement. I have found that with Jackie. She is a great listener and gives meaningful advice specific to YOUR needs. Every person is different and Jackie is able to tailer her approach accordingly. If you're looking for someone that will help you find the root of what you need, Jackie is your person."

-Rachel S.

" I have worked consistently with Jackie Blessing since 2018. Aware of my condition and goals, Jackie and I went to work. We were able to compile a full set of personalized tools including nutrition, sleep and recovery. stress management, strength, and mobility. Jackie guided me through every step with clear and articulate discussion about what we were doing and why. The results have exceeded my goals and permit me to enjoy a full, active, and pain fee life at 75 years old."

-Peter R.

"Jackie is a thoughtful and empathetic coach, who puts the client first, with a holistic view to health. She's a seasoned professional with both years of practical experience and advanced degress and certifications. She helps you see the big picture, coaching beyond the session to acheieve the best results."

-Dan D.

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